DME Supplies (What you should get and what to do if you need more!)

After getting a G tube or a GJ tube, you will usually leave the hospital with a feeding tube pump, backpack, and enough supplies to cover the first couple weeks.  Then you will start getting supplies every month from a DME (Durable Medical Equipment) supplier.

Depending on your insurance provider, your Durable Medical Equipment Supplier will send you a monthly shipment of all your needed supplies.  Each insurance plan will have different coverage and the amount of each supply will vary.  Your DME supplies are written as a prescription by your physician.

What should you get from your DME Supplier?

Most all DME Suppliers work on a monthly system.  Some will call you every month, some will have you call in your supply order, and some have online apps to request supplies.

Here is a list of common supplies that you should receive for a feeding tube in the stomach.  (The list will be different if you have a nasal feeding tube)

  • Feeding Tube Extensions
  • Replacement G Tube
  • Split Gauze
  • Syringes
  • Adhesive Remover
  • Feeding Bags
  • Formula (if not covered by WIC or another source)
  • Griplocks or Cinch devices
  • medical tape
DME Supplies (What you should get and what to do if you need more!)

What happens if I run out of Enteral Feeding Supplies?

Unfortunately, what the insurance company thinks is enough for a 30 days supply isn’t always a true 30 day supply.  For example, they think that 7 split gauze per day is plenty, but when we were leaking like crazy around the site, we changed split gauze every hour.  So even though we got 210 split gauze, we used that up in like 2 weeks.

 So if you find yourself lacking supplies or just running out, my number 1 suggestion is to check out the feeding tube groups on Facebook.

Almost all of the Facebook groups allow members to donate supplies to each other at no cost, just the price of shipping.  Since these supplies are already paid for by insurance, it is not ethical to charge someone for them.

Please be careful buying supplies though, always use Paypal Goods and Services and not Friends & Family.  You should also check that the person donating supplies is active in the group or at least been a member for a long time.  Scammers will join groups and offer supplies right away and then leave the group once they have your money.  Scammers are pretty rare but it is best to be cautious when purchasing on Facebook.

If your not able to get your supplies from one of these Facebook groups, you can check to see if there is any charitable organizations that organize feeding tube supplies or a medical supply closet in your area.  The medical supply closets are usually non profits organizations, but some do charge greatly reduced prices.

As a last resort, you may have to pay for these supplies out of pocket.  First, I would check with your DME what the cost of the supply would be if you purchased it from them.  Some will give you a “cash price” or will tell you how much they charge to insurance which will be much higher.

Most of the time, you can buy supplies directly from manufacturers and medical supply companies cheaper than you can buy them from your own DME supplies.

Here is a list of places you can buy each of the most common supplies:

Feeding Tube Extensions

Typically, you should get 4 extensions a month but depending on insurance they may only cover 2 extensions a month.  Before buying out of pocket, ask your physician to prescribe more extensions per month and to write a letter of medical necessity if needed.

Mic-Key 12 inch Extensions from Amazon for about $14.50 each.

Mic-Key Bolus Extension Set from Carewell for about $14.

AMT Mini One Right Angle Extension with Y-port from Carewell for about $20 each.

AMT Mini One Right Angle Extension Connector with Y-port (glows in the dark from Carewell for about $20.

AMT Mini One Straight Connector with Bolus Adapter from Carewell for about $20.

AMT Mini One 12 inch Feeding Tube Extension with Enfit Connector from Carewell for about $21.

If you need more information on properly cleaning and maintaining your extensions, read this article on Extension Care for G tubes and GJ tubes.

Replacement G Tube Kits

Sometimes you will pop a balloon or just need to change out a g tube before your next replacement comes in. 

If you have a GJ Tube, please request a g tube replacement button in case your GJ tube becomes dislodged.  This way you can place a G Tube in it’s place and keep your stoma open until you can get your GJ tube replaced at the hospital.

Mic-Key full replacement G Tube Kit from Carewell are $145-208 depending on the size.

AMT Mini One full replacement G Tube Kit from Vitality Medical start around $150 and go up based on size.

If you are having issues with having your G tube or GJ tube being pulled or dislodged, take a look at our Padded Belly Bands for additional protection.

Split Gauze

Split gauze is a must for most people with feeding tubes.  Thankfully these are one of the least expensive medical supplies to buy out of pocket.

Split Gauze from Amazon comes in popular sizes of 2×2 and 4×4 and you can buy a little or a lot depending on your needs.

If you need more information about split gauze and covers in general, read this article about everything you need to know about G tube covers.


Syringes can be used for medications, flushes, bolus feeds, and venting.  The most popular sizes are 1ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml, and 60ml.

Most come in Luer Slip Tips or Luer Lock tips, both are available on Amazon.

Adhesive Remover

If you or your child have very sensitive skin, I always recommend using Adhesive Remover to replace tape on the skin.  You can ask your physician to add this to your prescription and almost all DME suppliers will carry adhesive remover packets, wipes, or sprays.

Amazon has an amazing selection of different brands of the individual packets, wipe packs, and sprays.

Feeding Bags

Typically, you will get 30 bags a month in either a 500ml, 1000ml, or 1200ml size.  Unfortunately, some months have more than 30 days and other times bags get damaged or dirty.  This is a common supply that you will want to have extras of at home just in case.

EnteraLite Infinity Bags in both 500ml and 1200ml sizes are available at Carewell.

Kangaroo Joey bags in 500ml and 1000ml sizes are available at Carewell.


Formula is very similar to feeding bag where they give you a 30 day supply.  Unfortunately, some months have 31 days and sometimes you spill some.  Formula is one of those items I always wanted to have extra on hand. I always recommend asking your GI Doctor or Physician if they have any samples or free vouchers.  We were able to get a whole case for free with a specialty code that the Doctor gave us.

Carewell offers the following brands of formula:







Vitality Medical offers the following brands of formula:





Pediasure & Pediasure Peptide


Nepro Carb Steady




Kate Farms


Real Food Blends

Compleat & Compleat Blends


Liquid Hope

Promote Very-High Protein





ProSource Zac Liquid Protein







Grip-loks or Cinch Devices

If you use grip-loks or cinch devices, I always here that you never have enough of them!

You can find Grip-Loks on Amazon in 10 packs.

Cinch Devices can also be found on Amazon in 6 packs.

Medical Tape

If you ask anyone what their favorite medical tape is, you will probably get different answers from everyone!  First it is crazy how many are available, but what really matters is which tape you prefer.

Carewell offers the following tape brands:

3M Paper Tape


3M Cloth Tape


Hy-Tape (aka orange or pink tape)

Kinesiology Tape

Waterproof Tape


Surgical Tape

and lots more!

Helpful Tips for Medical Supplies

I always recommend that if you are admitted to a hospital, that you ask the staff for any supplies that they can give you.  Any supply that is in your room has already been billed to your insurance, so you should take it home.  Do not feel bad about this at all because after you leave, the staff is usually required to throw it all away.

Helpful Tips for Medical Supplies

I would also ask for any extra supplies that you need when you are at any Doctor’s appointment.  Most of the time, they are more than willing to give you some.  I wouldn’t over abuse this one, but it never hurts to ask!

I have heard of some supplies for sale on Ebay, but I am overly cautious when it says that these supplies are shipping over international locations (outside of the US).  I would really look at all details before purchasing.

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