Diversity in Disney: A Look at Special Needs Employment

Diversity in Disney: A Look at Special Needs Employment

In the complex realm of worldwide employment, special needs inclusion emerges as a critical cornerstone, guiding us towards a more balanced and fair society. The Walt Disney Company is a notable player in this arena, standing tall as a fervent advocate for diversity and inclusion. By valuing and embracing a spectrum of abilities, Disney crafts…

Can Special Needs Individuals Join the Military? Here’s What You Need to Know

Can Special Needs Individuals Join the Military? Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s a question that sparks curiosity and debate: Can individuals with special needs join the military? Well, the answer isn’t a simple yes or no. The military has specific requirements for enlistment, including physical, mental, and educational standards. While some individuals with special needs may meet these standards, others may face challenges. The military’s duty…

Aspiration in Babies and Children- Signs, Tests, and 9 Tips to Prevent Aspirating

Aspiration in Babies and Children- Signs, Tests, and 9 Tips to Prevent Aspirating

Today we are going to go over it in much more detail and exactly why having a safe swallow is so important. What is aspiration in babies and children? When a child aspirates it means that food or drink is going into their lungs instead of down the esophagus into the stomach. This can happen…