Can You Use Ensure in a Feeding Tube? Everything You Need to Know

Feeding tubes are often used to provide nutrition to individuals who are unable to eat or swallow food on their own. These tubes deliver nutrients directly to the stomach or small intestine, ensuring that the body receives the necessary vitamins, minerals, and calories to function properly. However, finding the right formula to use in a feeding tube can be a challenge.

Ensure is a popular nutritional supplement that is commonly used in hospitals and nursing homes to help individuals meet their nutritional needs. But can you use Ensure in a feeding tube? The answer is yes, but it is important to use the right type of Ensure and to follow specific guidelines to ensure that the feeding tube is being used safely and effectively.

In this article, we will explore the use of Ensure in feeding tubes, including what types of Ensure are appropriate for use, how to properly administer Ensure through a feeding tube, and potential risks and side effects to be aware of. We will also discuss alternative feeding tube formulas that may be recommended by healthcare professionals, as well as tips for ensuring that individuals receiving nutrition through a feeding tube are getting the best possible care.

What is Enteral Ensure?

Ensure is a brand of nutritional supplement produced by Abbott Nutrition. It is designed to provide complete and balanced nutrition for individuals who have difficulty consuming enough food or who require additional nutrients to support their health. Ensure is available in a variety of forms, including ready-to-drink bottles, powders, and puddings.


Ensure contains a variety of ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbohydrates. The specific ingredients and nutritional content of Ensure may vary depending on the product and flavor. However, some common ingredients found in Ensure products include:

  • Milk protein concentrate
  • Corn maltodextrin
  • Sugar
  • Corn oil
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Canola oil
  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Cocoa powder (in chocolate flavors)

Nutritional Value

Ensure products are designed to provide complete and balanced nutrition. They are typically high in protein and calories, and are fortified with vitamins and minerals to help meet daily nutritional requirements. The nutritional content of Ensure products may vary depending on the specific product and flavor. However, some common nutritional values found in Ensure products include:

NutrientAmount per serving
Protein9-16 grams
Carbohydrates32-52 grams
Fat6-14 grams
Vitamins and mineralsProvides at least 25% of daily value for most nutrients

It is important to note that the nutritional content of Ensure products may not be suitable for all individuals, and that individual nutritional needs may vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and health status. It is recommended that individuals consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate nutritional plan for their needs.

Using Ensure in Feeding Tubes (NG, G tube, Peg, GJ Tube)


Ensure is a nutritional supplement that can be used in feeding tubes as total or supplemental nutrition. Before using Ensure in a feeding tube, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if it is appropriate for the patient’s individual needs and to receive proper instructions for use.

Ensure is ready to use and does not require any additional preparation before use. However, it is recommended to shake the bottle well before opening to ensure that the contents are evenly mixed.


When administering Ensure through a feeding tube, it is important to follow the instructions provided by a healthcare professional. The flow rate and volume of Ensure should be adjusted based on the patient’s condition and tolerance.

Ensure can be administered through a feeding tube using either the bolus method or the continuous method. The bolus method involves administering a large volume of Ensure quickly, while the continuous method involves administering a smaller volume of Ensure over a longer period of time.

It is important to flush the feeding tube with water before and after administering Ensure to prevent clogs and ensure proper absorption of the supplement. Additionally, it is recommended to clean the feeding tube and syringe after each use to prevent contamination.

Overall, Ensure can be a useful option for providing nutrition through a feeding tube. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional and follow proper instructions for use to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the supplement.

Considerations and Risks

Possible Complications

While using Ensure in a feeding tube can be a convenient way to provide nutrition, there are potential risks and complications to consider. One of the main concerns is the risk of aspiration, which occurs when food or liquid enters the lungs instead of the stomach. This can lead to pneumonia or other respiratory problems.

Another concern is the risk of clogging the feeding tube. Ensure is a thick liquid, and if it is not diluted properly or if the feeding tube is not properly flushed, it can cause the tube to become clogged. This can lead to discomfort or even infection.

It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to monitor for any potential complications and to ensure that the feeding tube is being used safely and effectively.


In conclusion, the use of Ensure in feeding tube has been extensively researched and is a common practice in clinical settings. Ensure is a nutritional supplement that is designed to provide a complete and balanced diet to patients who are unable to consume food orally. It is available in various formulations and flavors, making it easy to customize to each patient’s nutritional needs and preferences.

Studies have shown that Ensure is effective in meeting the nutritional requirements of patients who require enteral feeding. It has been found to improve weight gain, increase muscle mass, and reduce the risk of malnutrition in patients. Moreover, it is easily absorbed and digested, making it an ideal option for patients with digestive issues or those who require a low-residue diet.

However, it is important to note that Ensure should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Patients must be monitored regularly to ensure that they are receiving adequate nutrition and to identify any potential complications. In addition, Ensure should not be used as the sole source of nutrition for an extended period without medical supervision.

Overall, Ensure is a safe and effective option for patients who require enteral feeding. It provides a convenient and easy-to-administer way to meet the nutritional needs of patients who are unable to consume food orally. Healthcare professionals should consider Ensure as a viable option for patients who require enteral feeding and work with the patient to customize the nutritional plan to meet their specific needs.

For more information on what can be used with a feeding tube, check “Can You Put Water in a Feeding Tube?” and “Can you put Coffee in a Feeding Tube?”

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