Can you use Bath Fizzies with a G Tube?

Bath Fizzies have gained so much popularity in the last few years and so many of them are available for children too!  These fun products can make bubbles, turn the bath water different colors, soften skin, and make bath time so much more fun.

In general, if a child with a g tube has been cleared to take baths and be submerged in water, then they can use bath fizzies.  There are some things you want to look out for when purchasing bath fizzies products for use with a feeding tube.

Can you use Bath Fizzies with a G Tube?

Can you use Bath Fizzies with a G Tube?

Most bath fizzies and bath bombs are made with sodium bicarbonate and citric acid.  Which is basically baking soda and a weak acid found in citrus fruits. 

Typically, granules (fizzies) and hard packed (bombs) create their bubbles and fizzes when they dissolve in warm water.  The reaction is similar to when an Alka-Seltzer tablet is placed in water. Some also release moisturizers, butters, oils, and particles like glitter or petals.

In most cases, as long as the stoma is not brand new and it has healed well, then you can definitely use bath fizzies and bath bombs with a G Tube or a GJ Tube.

According to Poison.Org, unintentionally swallowing dissolved bath bombs or bath fizzies are typically not an issue, because the ingredients are so diluted. If a large amount was swallowed or entered the stomach through a g tube, the most likely side effects would be nausea or vomiting.

If the products were swallowed by mouth, it is advised to sip water slowly in order to further dilute the fizzie or bath bomb.  In the case of a feeding tube, it would be recommended to flush with water.

As long as your feeding tube site is not super loose, and the button & extensions are in a closed position, you really don’t have to worry too much about bath water entering into the body at the stoma site.

To find out more information about bathing and anything water related with feeding tubes, check out this article, “Everything you need to know about Water and G Tubes & GJ tubes“.

When to skip the Bath Fizzies

When to skip the Bath Fizzies

Now there are times when you would want to skip using bath fizzies and bath bombs with a feeding tube.  The biggest obstacle is if your g tube or gj tube is brand new.  It typically takes 6-8 weeks after surgery for the stoma to heal and at this time it is advised not to submerge the area in water.

If you are currently experiencing any skin irritation, granulation tissue, or an infection around your site, you will want to skip the fizzies and bath bombs.

In general, bath fizzie and bath bombs should not be used when you have a fresh open wound.  The fizzies and bombs can cause further irritation and keep the area from healing correctly.  It is best to skip these bath additives until your area is healed.

Another reason to skip bath fizzies and bath bombs, is if you have any issues with your sodium levels.  Since these products are made with salts, it can make your sodium levels worse.

If you have very sensitive skin, you may also want to skip bath additives.  The number one issue is fragrances and dyes.  If you already know that you react to these ingredients, you may want to just have a normal bath.

What to look for when buying Bath Fizzies

What to look for when buying Bath Fizzies

 In cases of children using Bath Fizzies and Bath Bombs, there are a few things that you may want to look for when buying these products.

  1. Fragrance Free – If possible, try to find products that don’t have fragrances or essential oils.  These have been know to irritate sensitive skin.
  2. Food Safe Dyes – lots of products for kids are now using food grade dyes instead of artificial dyes to make the colors in the products.
  3. Avoid Glitter/plant pieces – some bath bombs come with additives that break off during the dissolving phase.  These are typically food safe luster or glitter and sometimes include seeds or petals from plants.  It is best to avoid these due to getting these particles around your stoma.

Another thing to keep in mind is that any fizzie or bath bomb that changes colors of the water, also has the potential to change the color of the feeding tube button and extension.  This is very similar to formulas with an orange color changing the feeding tube into a slight orange color. In most cases this is just a temporary superficial color change, and it is not a big deal.

Using Bath Fizzies and Bath Bombs with Feeding Tubes

Using Bath Fizzies and Bath Bombs with Feeding Tubes

Bath fizzies and bath bombs are a cute way of making bath time more enjoyable for toddlers and children.  They are not recommended for babies under 1 year old.

These products not only produce a less boring bath, they can also help with sensory play and a fun way to teach colors.  It is said that water sensory play is not only fun for a child, but it also helps with their gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and their problem solving skills.

It is so much fun the first time your child figures out how to fill a cup, then dump it out, and repeat that process a thousand times. 

Other fun items to use in the bath tub for sensory play is soap paint and shaving cream.  When we do baking soda baths for diaper rash, my daughter loves to paint on the walls of the tub with soap paint! 

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