Can Babies with G Tubes do tummy time?

Tummy time is a normal activity for most babies, but when you add in a feeding tube in the abdomen it brings up lots of questions.

Can you do tummy time with a feeding tube?

YES! Absolutely you can do tummy time with a feeding tube.  It may require some assistance, but tummy time is excellent for development and growth, so it is a definite must-have!

can you do tummy time with a feeding tube?

What if my baby is uncomfortable during tummy time?

This is totally normal!  Some babies don’t mind tummy time with a G or GJ tube, and some babies seem really uncomfortable.  The added pressure on their site can add some pain and discomfort.

What can help tummy time be easier with a G-Tube?

The easiest option is to try some items you may already have handy.  We personally tried a boppy pillow, rolled up receiving blankets, and laying the baby on your chest instead of the floor.

What if none of these options help?

My little girl spent months in the NICU and had twice weekly physical therapy sessions.  We tried a bunch of ideas and none helped. As mentioned in my previous blog post , there is tummy time gtube belts that are basically a pillow attached to the belly with velcro.  We also tried the water mats and that was an epic fail. she just rolled right off the side and couldn’t keep her balance.

We found the most improvement by using a padded belly band and so did some other moms!

One of our customers recently sent us this picture of their baby doing tummy time.  Her reaction literally made me do the happy dance!  She said that the first time she tried the padded belly band, her son was able to tolerate laying on his belly for 10 minutes!  That is so awesome!

My daughter had a similar experience.  Her belly was so tiny and her Gtube and Colostomy bag took up so much room on her stomach, that tummy time was just soooooo uncomfortable.  I am convinced that only reason my daughter even learned to roll was in order to get off her belly.  She would just laugh and laugh, like “Ha Ha, I got out of your tummy time.”

Where do I get a Padded Belly Band?

We currently offer padded belly bands in ourĀ Etsy store.

Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments!

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